Frameworks 👓
This section will list the frameworks I have experience with (at least the ones I remember to mention).
DISCLAIMER: I know some of the technologies listed here might not be frameworks. Please don’t hate me if your favorite lib is being displayed as a framework :(.
React Native

Recently adopted, this technology on its own makes learning React a must.

I’ve been using this framework for some, trying to make static sites simpler.

Great backend framework, fully written in TypeScript. Documentation is full of cats, what else can I ask for? 🐱.

My main engine when it comes to games, great balance effort vs results

This was my main frontend framework, where reactivity looked like magic.

Useful framework (over Vue) to create public websites. Is this website made with Nuxt? You bet so.

Java way of doing things in the backend.

One of the first MVC frameworks for NodeJS, with great support for realtime communications.
Angular v1.0

One of the first reactive languages I tested, a bit difficult ot setup though

I have deprecated PHP since is very limited, but I have to admit this framework is really good :)