Freelance Engineer

In 2021 I started working as freelance in my spare time. I’m mainly working in React / React Native projects.
The risk is higher, since they have very high expectations on you, and your work. The reward is also higher though. If you succeed, the feeling of accomplishment feels great: it sounds truly sincere when someone that is paying for individual tasks is happy about the outcome of your work. It cannot be team effort, company-wide success; it was you and your work what made the customer happy!
For now I’m working for one main customer, doing React and React Native apps, and another customer for which we are delivering a full Web solution (using NestJS and React).
React / React Native applications
I started these projects early this year. It was actually a good opportunity for me to learn React and React Native (Vue was my main frontend framework until then).
Web solution (details to be unveiled)
For this project I’m working with a friend: he takes care of the backend using NestJS, and I take care of the frontend(s) using React (and maybe React Native in the future). I really like this project, since it gives me the opportunity to test my skills in a complete greenfield (no legacy, yay!). Besides, working with friends is always nice!